Best Burger Recipe Ever with Secret Sauce
With something that claims to be the “Best Ever” and has a pinterest graphic like this:
…how can you not try it? Particular when it involves Sweet Baby Ray’s, the best BBQ sauce in the store!
Essentially, to your ground beef (at least 85/15, 80/20 is better, no lean stuff here. Lean = dry, flavorless burgers. Even if you make these!) you add grated Monterrey jack cheese, Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce, Lawry’s season salt, cracked black pepper, and onion powder. Mix until just until combined, Do not over mix, and form into patties. Now, because of all the additions these are not grill burgers, they’ll fall right through (which is great since Matt and I don’t own a grill), so these are meant for a pan or griddle.
While the burgers are cooking, you are to throw together this sauce. Now, with that graphic and BEST EVER proclamation I didn’t even notice there was a “secret sauce” until I read the blog post.
Okay, now when it comes to secret sauces, Jack in the Box got it right with this commercial last year:
But this isn’t just any secret sauce, this is In n Out “Secret Sauce” (which is kinda like Jack in the Box, but thinner with less ketchup).
3/4 cup of mayo
1/4 cup ketchup
1/4 cup relish
2 tablespoons worcestershire
Lawry’s seasoned salt
Anyways, this made me very happy and you can bet I will be making my own Animal Style fries sometime in the near future. How good is this sauce? I didn’t omit the relish despite what can only be describe as my utter hatred for pickles.
Then about 2 seconds later….
Yep, that’s usually my view at dinner…
Because there was cheese, you know, IN the burger, I topped my burger with only sauce and avocado, because it was the healthy choice! No, seriously. A study out of UCLA recently showed that adding avocado to your burger can reduce the narrowing of blood vessels and the level of inflammation present after eating a burger. In addition, those that added avocado to their burger did not show a rise in their triglycerides after eating whereas they did increase with the plain burger. This just proves that I have been healthy for years since I adore avocado on burgers (and most anything else). Okay, so that was a bit more science than you probably wanted for a recipe, but I thought it was cool.
Anyways, the burger was certainly good… not sure I would go with “Best Ever” though….
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