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Recipe #13: Pepperoni Pizza Burger

Pepperoni Pizza Burgers

Pepperoni Burger

Pepperoni Burger

I originally found this on ThePioneerWoman’s site. I have followed her blog for years now, mostly because I love her recipes. Very simple, basic ingredients, and the way she blogs about them makes them easy to follow. I think it’s the pictures. Lovely for when you reach that, “Is it supposed to look like that??” moment. When I saw this one a few months ago, I thought it would be perfect “Man Food” for Matt sometime.

True to her blog, this recipe was easy to make and came together quickly. Side note, I have a pet peeve with recipes. I hate when they say “While the such and such is browning, do this” and the timing does not add up at all and you are either rushing to finish or burning something. This is why I think all Rachel Ray “30 Minute Meals” are a lie. I have never had that problem with The Pioneer Woman’s recipes. The timing is always pretty spot on.

Now, have you ever done something, knowing that you shouldn’t be doing it? Even while you are in the middle of doing it? I did that here. I over-mixed the meat. Any time you are making something that requires mixing ground meat, if you over mix it, it will make it dense and tough (much like over mixing bread). I knew making this I was overmixing, yet I kept going. The result was a dense burger. I am convinced, however, that the texture was not entirely my fault. I think the sausage, while flavorful, by nature makes the burger heavier and denser than plain ground beef.  So heavy in fact, Matt determined he could not run with it on his stomach and I think we finished a 2 liter of 7-up that night between the two of us. I’m pretty sure I’m still digesting it.

And while it tasted good, much like a pepperoni pizza, it was neither Matt’s nor my preferred conveyance for either a pizza or a burger, or sausage for that matter. I won’t be making this particular recipe again….

I wonder if Matt bought more Tums…

Posted in 100 New Recipes, Jess General.

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