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Hello World

Well, in what hopefully is not portentious, I lost the first copy of my first post. So here we go again.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve put “Hello World” into a program, it’s the standard first item you learn to display on the screen when you learn a new programming language. I thought it was appropriate when it was the default title of the first post, given my programming background.

Matt Ragnar Run

My name is Matt, I’m married to Jess (see the About Us for more on that), and I’m a computer technician with a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science. I’ve also had the privilege of teaching college classes part-time, but am currently waiting for the state budget to allow such things again. I’ve also done some freelance web design and just finished my latest site for Magnum Land Clearing, Inc. I enjoy playing any sport they’ll let me (Dodgeball this Thursday!), but my favorite is softball. I’ve returned to running in the past year (I ran Cross Country and Track in high school) and now have a half and full marathon under my belt, as well as being part of a 12 person relay team that covered 200 miles in the Southern California Ragnar Relay (Hi Ragnarites!). You can keep track of my running (or make fun of it) at ( Jess and I enjoy geocaching and travelling for weird reasons across the Western U.S. (and recently Disney World).

Expect blogs from me about whatever is on my mind (which can be quite random), as well as regular updates on my sports teams. Hopefully you enjoy!

Posted in Matt General.

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