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2013-52 Week 20

Last possible day, last possible minute, this is starting to feel like when I was doing the daily blog last year. I had my birthday this week and a lot of decompressing, including a great party with great people today. All that said, this is going to be another short one. I’ll catch up next week, as I have even more items to discuss, including my first Disneyland scavenger hunt (which is good, the results are due tomorrow). But for now I’m going to use the celebration of my birth (which I’ve kind of been celebrating all week) as an excuse to just take it easy.

Weight: 226 Loss: 4 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 210.5 miles (+0 miles) Last year-to-date: 165 miles – Words-to-date: 36723 (+118)

Posted in Matt 2013-52, Matt General. Tagged with , , , .

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