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2013-52 Week 19

You might think that after putting together over 6000 words on Ragnar I might have burned myself out on blogging, and that’s why this post is so late (and probably short). Sadly, you would be mistaken, as I think I’d rather be burnt out on blogging rather than having zero time for it this week. Yeah, it’s been a crazy week at work and at home, and I just haven’t had time to sit down and write. Which is, of course, why I’m writing at 11:50 on Saturday night. I’m sure I’ll get into it more later, but we had a outside company coming in this week for a project to update our imaging software, so my work time was taken by that. My home time was taken up by grading twenty seven 2500 word papers for my class so I could get it back to them by the time they took their final yesterday. And the rest of the time was me being a zombie.

There’s several topics I’ve wanted to cover but haven’t had the chance to since I took the last two weeks for Ragnar and was slammed this week. I’m going to list the ones I remember here so that I have them and you can get a sneak preview of coming attractions:
-March Book Review
-April Book Review (Note: Finish April book)
-Knee injury
-Food allergy

I’m sure there’s more, but I’m running out of time and brain cells. Also, the May resolution update will be folded into the June one.

Actually, looking at the list above, it’s kind of sad, so maybe I’ll just jump to new topics anyway. Who knows, anything could happen.

Yeah, I think that seals it, I’m gone. Hope everyone is doing well!

Weight: 226 Loss: 4 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 210.5 miles (+0 miles) Last year-to-date: 158 miles – Words-to-date: 36605 (+289)

Posted in Matt 2013-52, Matt General. Tagged with , , , .

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