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2012-366 Day 88 – Magic Time

So we had just finished group last night and I went to check the score of the Laker game on my phone. What’s the first thing I see on ESPN? The Dodgers had been sold! To a group with Magic Johnson! For 2 BILLION DOLLARS!?! Most estimates I had seen before were topping out at the 1.5-1.7 billion range, so the number surprised me. However, since bidding was just supposed to open yesterday, it seems like this group knew what number would get them accepted immediately.

I’m going to address this briefly, because if I don’t I might throw up, but good riddance Frank McCourt. Take your 1 billion in profit, three years of wasting our time, and minority stake in the parking lots and don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. The list of despicable things you’ve done is . . . you know what, the doctor said I can’t do this on account of my blood pressure . . . just go.

As for the people coming in, well, by following McCourt they will simultaneously be viewed as heroes and with suspicion. We all thought anyone could be better than Fox, but look how that turned out. Such a massive initial outlay should indicate that they will be willing to spend for a winner, which will be refreshing. I’m also hearing that the purchase will be all cash with zero debt, which is astounding and, again after McCourt, refreshing. I’m looking forward to the first shiny toy they buy the fans to try and win them back.

Jess and I already have our first game back picked out (provided no earlier ones fall in our laps), and that’s the May 15th game, because you know I needs me an Orel Hershiser bobblehead.

Weight: 232.2 Loss: 7.8 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 78.7 miles
Fitocracy Level: 17 (31154 points, 3696 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
Soccer – Last Game: W, 10-4 (Record: 1-3) Next Game: 4/1 – 5 pm

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , .

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  1. mom said

    Tells me at Christmas dinner if you gots your Orel bobblehead! I needs to know!–Mom

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