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2012-366 Day 339 – Jessica II

As I’m wrapping up the year, I’m starting to compile a list of topics that I needed to revisit. One that has been ever present but so far only got one titled topic to her name is my lovely wife Jessica. But after the day she had helping others and her usual awesomeness, I decided I should rectify that. Today, though, I’m only going to focus on one aspect of her wonderful self, so we’re going to ignore her beautiful looks, wonderful personality, skill in the kitchen at both cooking and baking, wide ranging body of knowledge, ability to put up with me, and all the hard work she does. Nope, today we’re going to focus on her creativity.

Why her creativity, you ask? Well, simply because she’s given me several opportunities to show it off simply with pictures in starting to decorate for Christmas.

Exhibit A: Our Nativity Scene
We decided against doing a traditional nativity scene this year, opting instead for something more visually striking. Jess started with the idea to have a picture-based scene on our blank wall, and we batted it around a bit until we came up with this:

The left side:

The top:

The right side:

She took sheet music from a music book, cut out appropriate silhouettes, and glued them into the frames, a project she worked on while we were in Colorado on Thanksgiving Vacation. We hung them over the weekend and it looks great!

She also put together a place for us to pin our Christmas cards to:

She found the perfect fabric for it too (Christmas stamps if you can’t tell):

She also made a “centerpiece” to hang from our light:

And finally a couple “Orna-magnets” so even our fridge could feel festive:

I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful and creative wife. I’ll let her go into how these things were made, if she’s interested. I’ll simply settle for showing her off here.

Weight: 222 Loss: 18 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 358.7 miles
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , .

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  1. Mom said

    Great decor, Matt! Tell Jess I’m sorry we missed seeing it at your house! I think I’ll have to steal her card pinner upper in particular. We could use one of those next year 🙂

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