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2012-366 Day 336 – Resolution Update

I suppose I’ll have to update this one more time before the end of the year, but this is the last first of the month Resolution Update. I cannot believe that it is already here. I find it a bit funny that I can actually call whether three of the five resolutions have already been successful, while two of them will likely go down to the wire, which I would not necessarily have predicted at the beginning with yearlong goals. One more time with feeling.

1) One blog post (long or short) every day this year. – I’m going to try and get together some statistics on this in the last month, to see if I can get my head around what’s gone on here, so I guess you can look forward to those posts in the next few weeks. Oddly enough, this will probably get easier for the last few days, as I can update some topics and start wrapping things up around here. Looks like I’ll also have to figure out a project for next year too. – On track.

2) Lose 20 pounds. – Had a bit of bounce back these last couple weeks with Thanksgiving, vacation, and a bit of laziness in running, so I’m in the mid-220’s again. If I really am careful over the next month, I can accomplish this goal, but it will be a bit of challenge. We’ll see how much I want it. – Behind.

3) Run 600 miles. – Well, I got halfway there, with a very outside shot at two-thirds. I’ll probably set my goal around four to five hundred next year depending on where I end up in the next month. As a sub-goal, I should probably try and run more this month than last month, which should be pretty easy since I only did 18.66 miles in November. – FAILED.

4) Complete 5th Gup Green belt test by end of year. – With vacations and the holiday season, it’s been hit or miss with class attendance, but I’ve been able to ramp back up the last week or so. I should be ready in a month for my test. – COMPLETE.

5) Complete first novel. – This was my stretch goal, and it never really got off the ground. I had hoped it would be the only goal I didn’t accomplish, but the running goal got a way from me. If the weight one gets away too, I’ll drop under fifty percent, which is kind of sad. Then again, some people don’t keep any of their resolutions, so maybe I should be focusing on the successes rather than the failures. – FAILED.

Thanks for hanging with me (or finding me) so far, and I hope to give you a great final month!

Weight: 222 Loss: 18 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 358.7 miles
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , .

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  1. Mom said

    Your Mother Says: 18 lb loss out of 20…you count your blessin’s boy! That is A WIN!! I expect you to count it as 90% of a resolution at least!

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