And there it is. Wow are my quads sore today. Going up and down stairs (heck, just getting up and down) has been a painful proposition today. It’s good to know I gave them such a great workout yesterday, but boy is my body unhappy with me. Sadly, no karate again tomorrow as they are conducting the Black Belt test for four of the students. I plan to go and cheer them on, but I suppose this means I get a bit more rest and recovery as well.
In general, I’m pretty tired, and it’s been a long week. Teaching on Fridays also extends the day a bit, as, rather than having a lunch break, I go and talk for nearly three hours and then head right back to work. Very thankful for a long weekend to follow this week due to Veteran’s Day. I’m also looking forward to the start of Softball playoffs this Sunday, hopefully my legs have rested up by then.
Weight: 222 Loss: 18 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 348.2 miles
Softball Stats: Game 8 – 4/4 (1.000), 3 R, 2 RBI Season – 21/28 (.750), 5 2B, 14 R, 12 RBI
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1
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