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2012-366 Day 29 – Softball Tournament

All right, so maybe I’ll have enough juice to talk about the playoff tournament today after all. We were knocked out in the second round by the eventual champs (who went undefeated). It had been so long since the last games, however, that it felt barely connected to the regular season.

In our first game we played the third place team in our division (we were second) and the game started out as a back and forth battle. We were up 3-2 after one inning, then tied 6-6 after two, and the other team had scored 9 runs through three innings (I don’t remember what we had after three). Since we were playing in a different park with longer base paths and more outfield, I had originally planned to put all our fastest defenders in the outfield and I’d play shortstop. Over three innings, however, it was becoming apparent that they weren’t using a lot of the outfield and we could use an extra bit of range in the infield, so I switched out to right field and Chris came into play short. We wound up getting the first out of that inning at third base when I backed up an overthrow at first and threw across the diamond to get the runner trying to advance. It wound up working out pretty much perfectly after that, and we steadily pushed runs across until we scored the 24th run in the sixth inning and triggered the mercy rule, 24-9. Usually I keep score in these things, but seeing as we didn’t know how many games we were going to play and the teams were going to be disbanded after today anyway, so I think I went something along the lines of 4-6 with a couple RBIs and runs scored.

The second game began after about 20 minutes against the top seed in the tournament. We pushed across one run in the first inning, but they scored three, and after three innings we were down 10-1. At that point we realized that they were using more of the outfield and less of the infield, so I switched back to short and played the fast outfield. They scored no more runs in the game, but we couldn’t capitalize on some opportunities and only scratched across one more run, and wound up falling 10-2. I went 1 for 3 in this game, with my only hit coming in my final at-bat as I got the first two off the handle and grounded out to the right side. Apparently we spent all our runs in the first game.

As usual, softball was a lot of fun, and I loved my team this year. It would be an honor to play with any of them again. I look forward to next season, although the detour through the softball tournament in two weeks out to be a lot of fun too.

Weight: 236.4 Max: 240 Min: 234.4 Body Fat %: 24.9
Yearly Mileage: 8.5 miles
Current Belt: Purple – Next Belt: Orange (Blue?) – Next Test Date: 3/12
Fitocracy Level: 11 (11821 points, 471/2500 to next level) – ID: disciplev1

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