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2012-366 Day 287 – Weekend Wrap Up XXII

Sunday (10/7) – Softball Doubleheader: With the doubleheader out of the way, it’s back to one game a week. It’s a little sad actually, I kind of wish that our aggressive schedule had worked out. Oh well, at least it’s softball season again, my favorite time of year. Sadly we’ll be halfway through it this week.

Monday (10/8) – Runner’s High: Went on a long run this morning and experienced the opposite of a runner’s high due to some poor decision making. I figured I would be okay running first thing in the morning because it would be cooler (okay, around 10), but that meant I didn’t eat anything beforehand. I was okay until six and a half miles in, where I hit a wall. I had taken some carbs with me in the form of Sports Beans (basically Jelly Beans made of Gatorade), and it helped, but wasn’t enough. I thankfully had brought some money with me and stopped for some actual Gatorade at a liquor store and made it all the way back, but that was less than fun.

Tuesday (10/9) – Random Topics III: You can’t really update a random topics post, can you? I suppose I can update the weather part of it by saying that I am less than pleased that it looks like it’s going to warm up again after a nice, too brief cold snap (and we got barely any rain at CSUN).

Wednesday (10/10) – Work VI: No talking about work on the weekends still in effect.

Thursday (10/11) – Debates: A couple likes and a nice comment from my Nana on Facebook, I’m glad that other people agree with me on this. It frustrates me how contentious everything is nowadays.

Friday (10/12) – Slump: I wish this worked like my phone, just plug myself into the wall and recharge . . .

Weight: 226 Loss: 14 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 322 miles (+10 miles)
Softball Stats: Game 3 – 3/4 (.750), 1 R, 2 RBI Game 4 – 3/4 (.750), 1 2B, 2 R, 1 RBI Season – 12/15 (.800), 3 2B, 8 R, 5 RBI
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , , .

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  1. Mom said

    I imagine you learned something valuable, but if you need your mother to say so: MATT, EAT BEFORE YOU RUN!!!!! No fuel puts stress on the HEART, let alone starving the brain. Also, BUY REAL FOOD IN SUCH A CASE. LOVE, MOM

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