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2012-366 Day 280 – Weekend Wrap Up XXI

My week of rest is almost over, we’ll see how everything reacts tomorrow when I take the softball field. No running and no karate, just attending my fitness class during which things felt a little tight. But that was two days ago, and my arm seems better. But enough of my whining, let’s review some topics from the past two weeks.

Sunday (9/23) – Softball Game 1: Looking to avenge this loss tomorrow, as I have the feeling our defense will be much better (both due to getting some rust off and also due to the fact I have a better idea where to play people now). Probably a good bet we’ll score more than 3 runs this time, too.

Monday (9/24) – Short Story III: I don’t dream often, but when I do, I get weird stuff like this.

Tuesday (9/25) – Random Topics II: Tristan reached his goal! Less excitingly, the replacements refs were gone two days after this post. And we’re not going to talk about the state budget again for a while.

Wednesday (9/26) – Rules: I’m pretty sure this is the longest post I’ve written that almost no one was willing to read all the way through. That’s okay though, it was still useful for me. Although we still haven’t made the final decision on these rules since it didn’t come up last week.

Thursday (9/27) – Rest: Little did I know that the elbow injury would follow me through the weekend and I would need a full rest week. Still feeling good overall though, and looking forward to getting back out there.

Friday (9/28) – Dodger Blog Tournament II Pregame: This was once again a highlight for my softball “career” and I enjoyed it immensely, but it wasn’t until a few days later that I found out the truly exciting thing . . .

Saturday (9/29) – Dodger Blog Softball Tournament II: That exciting thing was that the Dodger’s official photographer Jon SooHoo was there and he took some pictures of our second game. That was the game we scored our most runs and we had one of our big innings pictured.

Jon SooHoo Softball pictures

You can go to his blog and check out all the pictures around the one above, I’m in about a half dozen of them. So cool.

Sunday (9/30) – Softball Game 2: Since we have the double header, I want to avenge the first loss from Game 1 and then also, well I suppose avenge isn’t the word, but I’d like to win this one too.

Monday (10/1) – Resolution Update: I’m glad I’ve accepted that the running resolution is dead, otherwise the rest week would be far more frustrating to me. The batteries are dead in our scale, so I also can’t keep track of the weight one either, hopefully the week off hasn’t done too much damage.

Tuesday (10/2) – Funny RSS: Nothing to update here, we’ll move on.

Wednesday (10/3) – Strained: I’ve complained enough about my ailments, so we’ll leave this one alone too.

Thursday (10/4) – Allergic to Hitting II: Watching the playoffs now, it’s hard to switch out of fantasy mode and realize that I don’t have to root for specific players. For the initial series I’m rooting for Cincinnati over San Francisco (duh), Washington over St. Louis, Baltimore over New York, and Oakland over Detroit (the last one I could go either way on). We’ll see how they shake out.

Friday (10/5) – Gatsby: Yup, I’m a cat person. I could be a dog person too, I just haven’t had as much exposure. I also have a definite size preference, as I don’t like them too big or too small.

Here’s to a new week, hope yours goes well too.

Weight: 226 Loss: 14 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 307 miles
Softball Stats: Game 2 – 3/4 (.750), 3 R, 1 RBI Season – 6/7 (.857), 2 2B, 5 R, 2 RBI
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , .

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