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2012-366 Day 241 – Sick Day II

Well, I was wrong. Not allergies. Thankfully seems to be a somewhat low level cold. Going nearly 200 days between sick posts is pretty good though. Pretty sure I just wore myself down over the last three weeks and my body decided it had enough. Skipped karate last night, work today, and bible study tonight, so if you’re involved with any of those, I’m still alive but just a little under the weather. I did go to the class I’m taking since it’s a pain in the butt missing the first day, though I’m thankful that I switch from the academic class to the athletic one at the last minute (although not so much after running a lap today). I’m going back to resting and should hopefully be good for tomorrow.

Weight: 228 Loss: 12 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 262.1 miles
Fitocracy Level: 25 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , .

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