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2012-366 Day 225 – Volleyball Game 9

The final game of the regular season has come and gone, with another game on the windy side of the field that totally does not like us. We seriously have not been able to by a break the last two weeks with the top of the net being our number one enemy (and the wind a close second). We finished the regular season in sixth place, which will allow us to skip the play in round in the first time slot next week, then play the number 3 team in the second time slot (which will be a rematch of this week).

We’ve had a hard time with our chemistry in the past few weeks, with different people missing every week for the past couple of weeks. Between that and our bad luck, we’ll be going into the playoffs with a need to regroup and try our best. Playoffs are my favorite time of year, unfortunately I haven’t had much success in the Volleyball version. We’ll see if I can turn that around this year.

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 247.1 miles
Volleyball Match Record: 5-4 (13-14 Game Record)
Fitocracy Level: 23 ID: disciplev1

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