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2012-366 Day 224 – Late Brain Dump

It’s been a while since I’ve had a Saturday so busy that I didn’t even have a chance to blog until after midnight, but here we are. My internet connection is acting up too, so we’ll keep this short and catch up tomorrow with volleyball.

I will say that I will miss the Olympics when they’re over tomorrow, especially with how well the Americans have done. I love the track events with my high school background, and it’s been great to see our team have such a good Olympic games. I will not, however, miss how much the Olympics have pushed back my sleep schedule (hey, even if I know what happened, I still like to see it).

I haven’t talked about Karate in a while, but I’ve been enjoying it more recently as my body has been adjusting and I have become more able to do the moves. As I move up the ranks, I am also able to teach some small things to the newer people, which I, of course, enjoy as a teacher.

It’s late, so I’ll see you again later today.

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 247.1 miles
Volleyball Match Record: 5-3 (13-11 Game Record)
Fitocracy Level: 23 ID: disciplev1

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