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2012-366 Day 193 – Work IV

A busy day today leads me back to the slice of life genre, as I’ve spent a lot of time in the last couple days (as I believe I’ve already mentioned) getting our new Photo ID system up and running. Thankfully it was a fairly straightforward process that just required repeating the same steps over and over. It’s actually not over yet either, as I have to get our new mobile stations talking to our servers (not easy to do over wireless with security in place) and upgrade all of the Library’s hardware and software, since they are our satellite location.

This first part was time sensitive, however, as we had to replace all of the front counter hardware and software while the counter wasn’t in operation. We made it easier by running the process over two days, setting up the software in a staging area in the OCR room yesterday on new hardware (since we were also using this as an excuse to finally upgrade our front counter computers), and then putting the new hardware in place this morning before the counter opened. Thankfully we’re on special summer hours at the moment, so the counter did not open until 10 am, and we had everything ready to go and in place by 9:30.

Wandering from the work topic a little bit (it’s still related, I promise), I started using the indoor track at our new Student Rec Center this week on my lunch breaks to coincide with my step up in training for the Disneyland Half Marathon (and yes, the 100+ degree heat). It’s a pleasant enough environment, on the top floor of the building (it has 3 floors, if you are curious) with giant windows on one side (that actually cover all three floors and that side of the building) looking East, and a nice wood paneling on the West side. The only problem, and it’s more of a complaint than an issue, is that the track is 1/8 of a mile long, which means that when I run 3.5 miles, like I did today, I have to run the same loop 28 times. Actually, it does make the laps short enough that you do do get a nice sense of accomplishment from the quickly climbing number of laps, so I won’t complain too loudly (even if it is a bit monotonous).

And now it is almost time to leave work, which, despite the fact that I am happy with my job, I am just as happy to go home.

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 201.1 miles (+3.5 miles)
Volleyball Match Record: 3-1 (7-5 Game Record, -4 Point Differential)
Fitocracy Level: 23 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , .

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