I’m working on a secret project this week, one of which I will be more than happy to share all the details of when it is complete. That being said, this is both your tease and an excuse for why I’ll be having shorter posts this week (I also have a bunch of papers to grade before Friday’s Final for my class, but that’s an excuse for another time).
Jess and I will also be attending our first Dodgers game in over a year and a half (due to our McCourt boycott of last season) tomorrow, since McCourt is gone and they are offering the one bobblehead that I NEED (you know I needs me an Orel Hershiser bobblehead!). Pretty much the only non-playoff sporting event promotion that could get me to ditch the Bible study. As all my formative professional baseball memories are of the 1988 season, I will be proud to have a Bulldog bobblehead to call my own tomorrow.
Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 152 miles
Fitocracy Level: 20 (47931 points, 3419 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
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