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2012-366 Day 127 – Weekend Wrap Up IV

Well that was quite the packed weekend, and it didn’t even feature any official ceremonies like next week (which is pretty much dedicated to my sister’s wedding and Mother’s Day). I might even turn in early after I get this done and reconstitute all the paraphernalia (keys, wallet, phone, etc.) that has ended up all over the house from all the activities of the weekend.

Monday (4/30) – The Raven: Haven’t really given this movie a second thought since I wrote this post, so I guess that says something about my final verdict on it. It was entertaining enough to sit through, but not thoughtful enough to dwell on. Look forward to a review of Avengers as soon as all the group is available to see it (might be a week or two for that).

Tuesday (5/1) – Resolution Update and Special Announcement: Nothing’s really changed here. Haven’t decided on New York yet, though Jess was taking a deeper look into it earlier. Definitely not going to be cheap.

Wednesday (5/2) – 2012-366ers II: Again, we’ll check back in with them a bit further down the road.

Thursday (5/3) – Summer Break: Class went very well on Friday, only one class to teach left and then the final. They also reviewed me at the end of class Friday, but I won’t see the results of those until the summer. I’ve been blessed with some great reviews in the past, and can only hope that the trend continues, seeing as I haven’t really changed my teaching style at all.

Friday (5/4) – Failure: Coming up with the Hawaii clause (posts count if made before midnight Hawaii time) helped me feel better about missing a day by an hour, however I’m going to have to set an alarm on my phone or something for the weekend since those are the times I tend to forget.

Saturday (5/5) – Recovery: Again, with such a busy weekend, the posts have been pretty short. I apologize to those expecting more content (although I doubt there’s that many of you out there) and will try to do better going forward. Here’s the picture that Jess took I promised yesterday of the grilled cheese bar, which got a reprise as a sandwich bar this afternoon for our friends who came over for lunch and the two final periods of the Kings game.

That is all for today, now to get some rest for a busy week/weekend ahead.

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 142 miles (+4 miles)
Fitocracy Level: 20 (46700 points, 4650 to next level) – ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , , , , .

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