Down to nearly 36 hours before I depart for my yearly running adventure. I originally explained it on Day 48, but I’ll save you the trouble and quote myself here:
“In the meantime, I’m heading back out to train so that I’m ready for April’s Ragnar Relay So Cal, my absolute favorite race, for the third straight year. I’ll try to get the technology set up so that I can live blog it this year (although I always tend to fall asleep sometime in the middle of day two, so there may be a little lag in there). For those I haven’t told about it before, the Ragnar Relay is a 200 mile(ish) relay race where 12 people (or a crazy 6 people) split over two vans take turns running 36 legs (each runner gets three legs, so the first runner would run legs 1, 13, and 25 while the last runner runs legs 12, 24, and 36, and each leg ranges from 3 to 9 miles). While one van is on the course, the other van moves down the line and gets whatever rest they can. It is an absolute blast (although I’d imagine you mileage would vary if you had bad van-mates, but I’ve yet to have that happen), and the physical challenge coupled with the camaraderie and sense of accomplishment at the end makes for an incredible two days. It’s a running experience I look forward to without the hint of dread that half and full marathons dredge up.”
A bit of an update to the above: 1) I probably won’t be live blogging it in the traditional sense of updating here. What I’ll do instead is set up two dummy pages that will go up while I’m gone and I’ll update on Facebook. Then when all is said and done, I’ll copy the Facebook updates onto the dummy page. That way people only have to check for the updates in one place (and honestly probably where the vast majority of people will see it anyway) but it can then be saved in one place on the blog afterwards. 2) Well, the hint of dread thing was true at the time. As leg assignments shook out and the final course revisions were made my assignment grew from 5 miles, 4 miles, and 8 miles (tough, yes, but doable) to a grueling 5 miles, 4 miles, 11 miles (notice the slight difference there?). Yes, my final leg is pretty darn close to a half-marathon by itself and is the longest individual leg in the entire race. So my hint of dread has infected this race too. That being said, I look forward to the experience once again and am sure it be a blast again.
I also figure since it’s my last leg if I just can’t go anymore someone else can finish it up for me under the injured runner rule. We’ll try not to invoke that one though . . .
And for those that want to look at the legs on the website above and know which one’s I’m doing, I’m runner number 9. Much more to come this weekend!
Weight: 231 Loss: 9 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 104.2 miles (+3 miles)
Fitocracy Level: 18 (38792 points, 1058 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
Soccer – Last Game: W, 13-5 (Record: 2-4) Next Game: 4/22 – 7:30 pm
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