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2012-366 Day 213 – Tags II

First things first, happy birthday to my father!

I decided to do some blog maintenance today and also revisit the tag topic, so I gave tags to all the old posts that didn’t have any and then grabbed a new screenshot of the updated tag cloud (see previous tag post for an explanation). I’m thinking of making this a monthly segment for the remainder of the year, on the last day of each month. Here’s the original tag cloud, and the new one next to it:

There are some steady favorites returning, such as Shepherd Sports, Weekend Wrap Up, and Vacation, have been bolstered both by recent events (vacation gained a lot of steam over the last two weeks), the passage of time (pretty much a new Weekend Wrap Up every week), and my updating the tags of the early posts (Shepherd Sports picked up a few because I talked about soccer at least three times before even playing it). Karate also made a big jump, I talked about it a lot in the early posts.

Advice, Disney_Firsts, double take, EPCOT, fitness, gatsby, ragnar, Ragnar Relay 2012, recovery, religion, sign, and technology all fell off the list. I’ll have to look at maybe revisiting some of those topics again (although I have the feeling that religion and technology were merely the victims of inconsistent tagging). Some topics have shrunk the further away they have gotten, like the secret project and fantasy baseball (I’m not saying anything about my team, it’s a very volatile point of the year right now and I don’t want to be taught humility). And I suppose it’s a good thing that advice fell off, not really my strong suit.

Controversial, Dodgers, Dodger Thoughts, home improvement, humor, insight, Jess, movies, Road trip, Rocky Peak Sports, Softball Tournament, and Spam all jumped on the list, owing both to the past month and a half’s events (Road Trip, Rocky Peak Sports) and updating old tags (Dodgers, Dodger Thoughts, Softball Tournament). I’m using the insight tag to denote blog posts where I kind of explore my attitudes and feelings, so adding a few of those from the old posts to the current ones has bumped it up into the list.

I find tags to be an interesting system, especially when you start going back through them and see the related threads that you may not have put together before. I like looking at the shifting sizes as well, so you’ll be seeing these updates in the future for sure.

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 227.1 miles (+3.5 miles)
Volleyball Match Record: 5-2 (13-8 Game Record)
Fitocracy Level: 23 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , .

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