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Recipe #25: Creamy Garlic Pasta

So, I realized a couple weekends ago that I was a bit behind on my recipe pace (9 a month, which will keep me easily on track, with some buffer). Therefore, I planned out some extra recipes for meals that week, and went a little crazy. Basically, I ended up making a new recipe pretty much every night last week. For that reason, this next series of posts are going to be on the shorter side…. I’m still trying to figure out what format I like for these things to please bear with me.

Creamy Garlic Pasta

2 tsp olive oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp butter
¼  tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
3 cups chicken stock
½ lb angel hair pasta
1 cup grated parmesan cheese
¾ cup heavy cream
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

This one was worrisome, in that by the time we did our normal Monday trip to the store and got home, I only had about 45 minutes to make and eat dinner before Matt needed to leave for karate. Having not made it before, I didn’t know how long this would take. Thankfully, this ended up being a really quick dinner!

Basically, heat up some olive oil in a pot and cook 4 cloves of minced garlic for only about a minute or so. No browning, brown = bitter garlic. Then you add in about 2 Tbls of butter. Any dish that starts with olive oil, garlic, and butter cannot be horrible. Right?

Once the butter is melted, add in some salt, pepper and 3 cups of chicken stock or broth. Bring that to a boil. Then add in your angel hair pasta and cook one minute less than the box tells you to (for al dente). After the pasta is where you want it, don’t drain it, just reduce the heat and add the parmesan cheese, stir until it’s melted. Remove from the heat and finish with the cream and parsley.


Start to finish about 20 minutes, and most of that was letting the broth come to a boil. This was so good. So, so good. How good?


Lick the bowl good.

Matt too. He kept saying how really delicious it was. Creamy and cheesy without being heavy. Not to mention garlicky, which is one of my favorite things ever.

I may make this again this week before Matt gets the results of his food allergy test back…just in case.

Posted in 100 New Recipes, Jess General. Tagged with , , , , , , .

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