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2012-366 Day 322 – Thanksgiving I

Just got back from the first of several Thanksgiving meals, this one with our friends in the Tuesday Bible Study. Wound up being pretty large (19 people!) and Jess did a fantastic job of getting everything together in what wound up being a much larger undertaking than she had originally planned. Everything went great (even if someone forgot the mashed potatoes) and we had a TON of food. Next stop is a family meal with my parents and sister tomorrow night. Let the feasting continue!

In unrelated news, went to karate this morning and wound up being the only one in the second class. Got some good tips in my personal instruction to help with my kicks.

Haven’t gotten to write ahead yet on my story, and it’s late, so we’re having a short post today.

Weight: 222 Loss: 18 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 351.7 miles
Fitocracy Level: 26 ID: disciplev1

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