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2012-366 Day 177 – Office Move

Wow, what a Monday. Spent the first two hours getting people setup after they did the final rounds of carpeting for our office. Then spent the rest of the day making my old office look like this:

I haven’t finished unpacking in my new office, I’ll try and get a picture up when that is done. After a highly active weekend between karate and volleyball, and moving equipment and office items all day, I’m pretty spent (although I have to go do a sparring class in karate tonight as there are only a couple weeks before the next test).

I do like my new office, it has a bit more elbow room. Is it still a “corner office” if the corner is internal to the building?

Weight: 229 Loss: 11 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 183.5 miles
Volleyball Match Record: 3-0 (7-2 Game Record, +17 Point Differential)
Fitocracy Level: 22 ID: disciplev1

Posted in Matt 2012-366, Matt General. Tagged with , .

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