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2012-366 Day 107 – Chipotle

Despite the fact that there is a wide variety of food chains located right around campus (including our favorite Mexican place, Senor Sol), I generally find myself defaulting to Chipotle when I don’t want to think to much about it. Why? Well I’ll give you a few reasons:

1. I can order online and set a time for pickup. So if I decide around 11 I can place the order for 1:05 and know that I can leave at 1 and it will be ready when I arrive, I won’t have to stand in line, and I’ve already paid online.

2. My standard meal is pretty filling and actually fairly healthy (I could make it more healthy with one change, but I like what I’ve got going). A Barbacoa bowl with no rice, black beans, corn and green salsa, and cheese comes out to about 485 calories (385 without cheese), 18g of fat (could be cut in half without cheese, but I like cheese), 43g of carbs, and 43g of protein (and no cheese would drop this to 35 g). Sodium is fairly high, but I don’t add any salt to my diet and drink a lot, so it’s less of an issue. (Data compiled using the calculator.)

3. This one time (today) I ran into a really pretty girl in line who was also on her lunch break. I gave her a ride back to campus and we’re going to meet up after work. (Yeah, Jess and I independently went to the same place for lunch at the same time.)

4. As long as I time it so that it’s not between classes, I can make it there and back again in less than 15 minutes.

So there’s a brief ad for Chipotle in my blog. I probably should have tried to get it sponsored since, you know, they didn’t actually pay me anything to say this. Anyway, a little more insight into the inscrutable (okay, pretty scrutable) puzzle that is me.

Weight: 231 Loss: 9 lbs – Running Yearly Mileage: 101.2 miles
Fitocracy Level: 18 (37832 points, 2018 to next level) – ID: disciplev1
Soccer – Last Game: W, 13-5 (Record: 2-4) Next Game: 4/22 – 7:30 pm

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